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Privacy Policy

ZERO2ONE COMPANY LIMITED(以下、「当サイト」と言います。)では、皆さまからお預かりする個人情報の重要性を強く認識し、個人情報の保護に関する法律、その他の関係法令を遵守すると共に、以下に定めるプライバシーポリシーに従って、個人情報を安全かつ適切に取り扱うことを宣言いたします。

ZERO2ONE COMPANY LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as “this site”) ZERO2ONE COMPANY LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as “ZERO2ONE”) strongly recognizes the importance of the personal information we receive from you, and declares that we will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and regulations, and handle personal information safely and appropriately in accordance with the privacy policy set forth below.

個人情報の定義 / Definition of personal information


For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, personal information is information about a living individual that can be used to identify the specific individual, such as name, date of birth, address, telephone number, and e-mail address.

個人情報の管理 / Management of personal information


We will carefully and appropriately manage the personal information we receive from you to prevent unauthorized access, loss, or leakage.

個人情報の利用目的 / Purpose of using personal information


This website may ask you to provide personal information such as your name, date of birth, address, telephone number, and e-mail address through your inquiry or application for services. In such cases, the information will be used appropriately for the purposes described below.

  • 皆さまからのお問い合わせ等に対応するため。
  • 皆さまからお申し込みいただいたサービス等の提供のため。
  • メールマガジン等の配信、セミナーやイベントのご案内等のため。
  • 当サイトが実施するアンケートへのご協力のお願いのため。
  • 商品や景品、プレゼント等の発送のため。
  • 当サイトのサービス向上・改善、新サービスを検討するための分析等を行うため。
  • 個人を識別できない形で統計データを作成し、当サイトおよび皆さまの参考資料とするため。

  • To respond to your inquiries.
  • To provide services, etc. that you have applied for.
  • To distribute email newsletters, etc., and to provide information on seminars and events.
  • To ask for your cooperation in surveys conducted by this site.
  • To send products, prizes, gifts, etc.
  • For analysis and other purposes in order to improve and enhance the services of this site and to consider new services.
  • To create statistical data in a form that does not allow for personal identification, and to use it as reference material for this site and for you.

個人情報の第三者提供 / Provision of personal information to third parties


We will not provide the personal information we receive from you to any third party without your consent, except in cases where disclosure is permitted under the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations.

個人情報の開示・訂正・削除について / Disclosure, correction, and deletion of personal information


We will not provide the personal information we receive from you to any third party without your consent, except in cases where disclosure is permitted under the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations.

アクセス解析ツールについて / About Access analization tool


This website uses Google Analytics, an access analysis tool provided by Google, which uses cookies to collect traffic data from you.


You can reject the collection of traffic data by disabling cookies in your browser settings. It is not possible to identify individuals from traffic data. For more information, please refer to the Google Analytics Terms of Service

本ポリシーの変更 / Changes to this policy


This site may review this policy from time to time and change it without notice due to the enactment or revision of laws and regulations. Any changes to this policy will be effective when the revised policy is posted on this site or when the revised policy becomes available for viewing by other means.